About Works: 1980's

Metamorphose Works No.1
Metamorphose Works No.1

Metamorphose Works No.1
8mm / color / 16min. / 1984


This work is the first abstract animation that he created himself, il was made by taking stop-motion pictures by the artist himself.

A doughnut-shaped image floating in the center of the screen begin to move as if alive. To constant change colours and patterns, the image gradually increase in power. Finally, it leads to an explosive radiation movement.

  • Special screenings : Image Forum No.49 New Showcase in Tokyo
  • Special screenings : Oberhausen International Short Film Fistival 1994 in German


Metamorphose Works No.2
Metamorphose Works No.2

Metamorphose Works No.2

8mm /color /23min. / 1984


    In this work, a flash of light tears through the darkness, and mysterious images emerge. The images change rapidly, accompanied by sharp noises that are both wave-like and explosive, and the resulting flickering effect takes the viewer away from reality.


  • Special screenings : Image Forum New Show Case No.51 in Tokyo
  • General Competition Category - Selected Works : Pia Film Fistival (PFF) 1985 in Tokyo 
Sonata No.1
Sonata No.1

Sonata No.1

8mm / color / 40min / 1985


    This work expresses pictures of walls and deserts roads etcetla like sounds stages. It increases the sonata’s forme on the classic music, it is formed in 4 movements totalement.

The work cuts pictures into small pieces, while the color in adding touch-ups with paint change, the “visual music” gradually develops.


  • Special screenings : Image Forum Attached Image Research Institute Graduation Exhibition in Tokyo
  • Invitation screenings : The Evolution of Anime: The Present State of Japanese Experimental Animation 1988 in O Art Museum (Tokyo)
  • Special screenings : Neo-Baroque: Visual expression at the end of the 20th century 1993 in Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art (Sapporo)
Metamorphose Works No.3
Metamorphose Works No.3

Metamorphose Works No.3Mixed juice

8mm / color / 16min / 1985


    This work is a stop-motion still photograph. When the man strikes a blow with the machete, the following images begin to rotate: a scene in front of a suburban station, images of dried fish skewered on a plate, an image of a chicken carcass, and an image of a man sawing a log. As if put through a blender, they are broken down into small pieces, and are eventually collected in the glass held by the girl.


  • Special screenings : 5th Experimental Film Festival 1985 in Studio 200 in Tokyo
  • Special screenings : Japanese Experimental Films National Tour 1988 in USA
Metamorphose Works No.4
Metamorphose Works No.4

Metamorphose Works No.4Mural

8mm / color / 60min / 1985


    This work is a reconstruction in cinematic form of the fragmented material of the multi-screen used for the performance.

Fragments of images emerge from the nothingness of the space, and eventually a massive wall surface is built up. Breaking through it, a flood of light overflows.

Metamorphose Works No.5
Metamorphose Works No.5

Metamorphose Works No.5Deformation dismantling and reconstruction by Rembrandt's theme

8mm / color / 28min. / 1986


    This work is the culmination of the "deformation series" representing the artist's early works.

One solemn painting by the artist Rembrandt suddenly roars and begins to deform and dismantle.

  • General Public Competition, Awarded Prize : The 1st Image Forum Festival 1987 in Japan
  • Special Screening : New Japanese Cinema 1987 in Australia
Sea Roar
Sea Roar

Sea Roar

16mm /B&W/30min./1988


    In a fishing village, a memorial service is held to burn abandoned boats. Old fishing boats that have done their job have a dream in their dying moments. Deep-sea fish running in an alley, fishermen pulling a long rope, the ghost of a crying girl.... Various images intermingle, inviting the audience into a daydream.


  • Invitation Screening:Image Forum Festival 1988 (Japan)
  • Official Competition Screening:International Short Film Festival Oberhausen 1989 (Germany)
  • Invitation Screening:International Film Festival Rotterdam 2000 (Netherlands)


Worm Story
Worm Story

Worm Story



This work incorporates narrative for the first time, in addition to his previous abstract techniques. Using Aesop's Fables "The Rabbit and the Tortoise" as its subject, the artist projects a wealth of surrealistic images from his own mind.

  • Invitation Screening: Image Forum Festival 1989 (Japan)
  • Official Selection: International Film Festival Rotterdam 1991 (Netherlands)
  • Planned Screening: Madrid International Film Festival 1993 (Spain)
  • Planned Screening: International Short Film Festival Oberhausen 1994 (Germany)